


I used a fabric I designed that was created using a pattern of turtles and then screen printed onto fabric using a process called burnout, a process which destroys parts of the fibers to create the pattern. The destroyed fibers are burned out and don’t absorb all of the dye; this creates a resist effect. I then dyed the fabric in an indigo vat. I consulted with a friend who practices Voodoo from his upbringing in Haiti, and he told me that the energy of Papa Legba was present in the painting. He serves as an intermediary between humans and the Spirit World and stands at the Crossroads. 



This painting features a hand-printed fabric that I made with commercial checkerboard designs along with images of baby sea turtles. I also included a lace fabric that I inherited from my mother. In childhood, I was largely left to fend for myself, much like the baby sea turtles when they hatch and make their way to the ocean. On their journey across the beach towards the water, they are subject to attacks by predators. In this painting, I am bringing in the energy of the protective mother through the symbolism of the baby sea turtles making a safe journey to the Ocean.



This painting depicts my journey as an Energy Healer. I have combined many hand painted and printed fabrics with acrylic painting on canvas. Each fabric piece included embodies healing energy that has an impact on the viewer.



After completing this painting, I realized that this work was a visual representation of receiving messages through the process of divination. The fabric in this piece is called Quilted Hooks and Eyes. The original image design on the fabric came from my collection of sewing notions that I inherited from my maternal Grandmother. 

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What Message Do My Cards Have For You?

Sacred Journey Medicine Cards