Individual Medicine Card Readings

Mel is passionate about using her intuitive abilities to serve as a life transforming Medicine Card Reader – helping clients to receive messages and to gain greater clarity around events in their lives. A Medicine Card reading with Mel is a highly advanced, metaphysical tool for personal growth. Mel is renowned in the fields of divination and healing. She loves to bring these powerful abilities to the readings of her Medicine Cards. Come to Mel with a specific question in mind. Or allow Mel full reign to read the cards and observe your life in a full, deep way. Either way you will receive healing insights and profound guidance.

Medicine Cards Inner Adventure

Unlock the Mysteries of Your Life

Experience transformative Medicine Card readings with Mel, a renowned intuitive and healer. Whether you seek answers to specific questions or simply open yourself to the cards’ wisdom, Mel will guide you to profound insights and healing.

Medicine Card Readings Testimonials

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The deck is available for immediate download on the Deckible App on your phone or other device.

What Message Do My Cards Have For You?

Sacred Journey Medicine Cards