Energy Healing Sessions

Contact Mel directly to schedule your appointment.

Mel Hofmann Sun Rays

In Person & Zoom Energy Healing Sessions

Work with Mel either remotely (by Zoom) or in a “Covid Safe” Environment (Mel’s healing room, your backyard, etc). Mel is a revered and masterful transformational healer who helps people to balance, energize and open their Chakras. Clients wind up feeling more physically and energetically balanced, happier, calmer and more confident about their lives.

During the course of a session Mel works with a unique combination of a pendulum, vibrational energy and her highly developed power of intuition to sense where and why energy might be stuck. She then helps to liberate clients from their blockages. In so doing, clients come away from a session feeling far lighter, freer, and more empowered.

Experience Transformation with Mel

Unlock your potential and find balance with Mel’s masterful healing techniques. Whether remotely via Zoom or in a “Covid Safe” environment, Mel’s unique combination of a pendulum, vibrational energy, and intuition will help you feel lighter, freer, and more empowered.

Energy Healing Testimonials​


Mel’s work is not a substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment.
She enjoys working in concert with other providers to provide comprehensive care.

What Message Do My Cards Have For You?

Sacred Journey Medicine Cards